...serenity in motion


Jan 26, 2024, 12:50 AM
Attitude is everything when you are self employed. Some people consider it arrogance, others say it is confidence. A healthy dose of bravado can get you places that others may not even try to go.
Jan 19, 2024, 3:35 PM
Does it really matter if you refer to yourself as a vendor? I don't think so but there are those who feel that label is less than what they are. I don't mind and this blog talks about why.
Jan 13, 2024, 2:53 PM
Nothing that looks easy was to begin with. Hard work is what brings the illusion of effortlessness. This is why you work so hard, it makes it simple to do what others think is impossible.
Dec 31, 2023, 9:25 PM
We all have doubts, never think you are alone.
Dec 30, 2023, 4:34 PM
Why do I continue to talk about record keeping? At years end, they also tell me what I have accomplished.
Dec 23, 2023, 2:20 PM
It's my blog, I get to wax nostalgic.
Dec 15, 2023, 5:04 PM
I have so many followers who just do art for fun. Some of my students express remorse because they haven't used their materials since they attended class. There is nothing that says doing art is an obligation.
Dec 9, 2023, 2:27 PM
Students might be a reflection of your teaching but their accomplishments are their own. I am proud of what they do and pleased that they are doing so well.
Dec 3, 2023, 12:10 AM
Decisions can create joy or frustration but why do we seem to invite disaster into our lives?
Nov 26, 2023, 6:07 PM
Are there merits to being late? Why bother coming at all?