...serenity in motion


Jun 27, 2020, 8:28 PM
Being a professional means sticking to your commitments. When you say you will do something, get it done and do it with a smile.
Jun 20, 2020, 6:04 PM
A failure of faith isn't a failure in yourself. We all have doubts and this week I discuss my journey when I loose it.
Jun 20, 2020, 5:58 PM
You can clean up any mess in the morning, as long as you survive the night. Flexibility offers chances to improve your odds of surviving any crisis.
Jun 13, 2020, 1:43 PM
Keep exploring your options, now is not the time to settle in
Jun 6, 2020, 2:55 PM
The measures you take now, can save you heartache in the future. Many steps skipped in the beginning, can cause confusion and loss later on in your career.
May 30, 2020, 2:14 PM
Time during Covid blues runs on and on but now is valuable time to start those creative leaps you have been wanting to try!
May 22, 2020, 9:57 PM
Free advice comes from many sources but as easy as it is to come by, not all of it is bad.
May 10, 2020, 1:45 AM
Social distancing kept me from my studio and I face me easel with trepidation.
May 4, 2020, 3:18 AM
I ponder what the world pandemic has meant to me and what I am doing while I am waiting.
Apr 26, 2020, 12:13 AM
How do you create positive momentum when everywhere you turn you find a roadblock?