Today marks another miles stone in my life, how we deal with changes in our life affect our business future. Learning to roll with the ups and downs make us more flexible and help build endurance. Everything creates chaos, but the way things fall out can create opportunities in the days ahead.
Not everything goes according to plan, how we react can have long lasting results. Now is the time to forgive ourselves for not getting in right and learning to go with the flow.
Resisting change is hard for most artists as we have to make our own way. Sometimes we need to remember that change is for our survival and we need to be flexible.
Continuing with the subject of last week, this time is about when and if you need to turn long term clients to friends. There are pitfalls ahead but you have the ultimate say in where your relationships go.
I am going to do a 2 part blog on the pitfalls of finding your way with long term relationships with collectors. When do they, if ever; become friends. How do you sell to your friends now that you have an art business?