Whether you want to be an artist or travel the world abroad; make sure you are doing what meets your priorities. Just because you want to travel, doesn't mean you are wrong. It is right for you. Making art is right for me.
Not all "Great Venues" are perfect for everyone. If they were, you would see crocheted salad forks at every show you did. Look at which displays that are getting traffic and think about how you might be different.
Keeping your options open is fine but sometimes you can find yourself letting someone down that was really counting on you. You can burn some pretty serious bridges that way.
What do you do when you don't feel creative? Sometimes getting started is the hardest part. Putting your pencil/brush/pastel to the surface can get you moving on to something greater.
Being a professional, the buck stops with you and sometimes it stops right on top and jumps up and down on you while it is there. It isn't up to the clients to save the day, you need to remember that they are there to see what you have, not pull you out from under the mess.