...serenity in motion

What are you letting define your boundaries?

I just got off the phone with Jeff May; a wood carver, who was talking with me about creating a narrative to sell his art.  I like talking to other artists because they mentally take me places I would never go.  I have a lifetime of selling art, other people’s but there is a lot of experience and I can honestly say that the last 10 years have brought a huge change in the way art is sold.

I have done and prefer doing sales face to face.  I love seeing the way people react to the pieces in front of them, but times have changed and now we are looking at the cyber galleries of today.  That is what Jeff was talking about, creating a narrative that would keep people engaged and following him.  I really should apologize to him, I didn’t understand what he was trying to do.  I kinda get it now.

My mother, created a narrative through her monthly mailers.  She told stories about her life, me chasing horses down the road. There was the dairy cow we took into the local convenience store so the owner could pet her.  The 11 cats we ended up with and the local vets that dealt with our animal chaos.  One person brought this huge 3 ring binder to my mom one year.  She had kept every single mailer my mother had sent out.  People would come to the shows and talk about the new tale of our hobby farm, and they would buy.  Her narrative kept them engaged.

My friend Jeff, wants to start a new adventure and doesn’t want to limit his creative time to one location.  He is this amazing sculptor and he wants to be able to travel and sculpt at the same time.  He also wants to share his adventures with everyone while he does it.  He is working toward a new normal and pushing at the accepted definition of a creative space. Good for him.

As artists, we need to push boundaries.  He is working toward moving beyond the accepted definition of a sculpting space.  He has looked down the road at what his future will hold and decided that he needs to do this soon, because life changes that are inevitable will be redefining his boundaries.  He wants this adventure before those responsibilities catch up with him.  Again, good for him.

What boundaries are holding you back?  Did you know that you are making a choice to accept them?  Look at my friend Jeff, do as he is; look beyond and search for something outside of your comfort zone.   You should take a moment to check out Jeff's work: jeffmayart.com.