...serenity in motion

Success Next Door Helps Your Success.

I like to help people, my mom is that way too but I don’t have the wherewithal to help them the way she does.  Instead, I help artists.  Someone put out a call on a facebook page looking for printers.  All of us who live in Spokane said the same thing; Curt at Spokane Art Supply.  Well, not everyone lives in Spokane. She mentioned where she lived and I actually know a printer who lives in her town.  He does an excellent job and is pretty cost effective.  I gave her his contact information and some other things to know.  She was so grateful.  I figure, my art doesn’t appeal to everyone; same goes for everyone else in the business.  While we are competing against each other, we kinda aren’t at the same time.

Today, I am setting up my outdoor set up for a friend.  It is his first artshow and he was asking me question after question.  He kept apologizing but I told him, “We all have our firsts.”  There is always anxiety when you do the first few,… years.  It takes time but we all get our feet on the ground.  I helped another artist a few months ago.  It is my way of paying back all the help I had when I started out.

I was given some amazing advice when I got my first tent.  I have had the tent I was advised to purchase now for 7 years.  She told me what to buy and how to take care of it so it would last.  That was just one thing out of so many that I was given over the years.  Artists are still giving me a hand and I am always grateful for what I am given.

When you get your feet under you, think about helping others who are just getting started.  Selling art isn’t about getting there first, it is about looking your best to the people you appeal to.  So help the next start up artist get there too.  Having the booth next to you look good, makes you look good too.  People tend to look past the messy Marvin and his neighbor when they feel uncomfortable. Set yourself and them up for success!