...serenity in motion

Ask the question

Ask the question.

I have a wide network of intelligent resources that I tend to reach out to when I am trying to figure things out.  Recently, I was struck by the cost of one of my business expenses.  It had a pretty significant jump and I didn’t feel that it was warranted.  Reaching out to one of my contacts I was advised to find a new service as what I was getting wasn’t worth what I was paying.

It was my webpage host and I have had them for several years.  Now while I understand that costs have risen for everyone, I hardly talk to them and do most of my adjustments myself.  I’m fairly low maintenance, so the rise in costs had me asking questions. I worked very hard at trying to replace them, did research and decided to see what I could do but; my blog…. I have 4 years of blog posts on my page.  There is also the search engine history with this page, I don’t want to loose those of you who follow me.  I didn’t want to start over.

In the process of designing a new page, I had to reach out to my current web host and what I was doing came to light.  They understood my efforts to keep my costs low.  The appreciated that I understood their need to raise prices and that I wasn’t upset, just problem solving.  So I asked, do I really deserve the price increase?  Christian, the man I spoke with; was willing to listen.  He agreed that there were services that they provided, I was not using.  One of them is social media and I do all of that myself.  I hardly have them do any work on my site, I do a majority of it myself.  Christian told me he would look into it and talk with his boss.

They rescinded the price increase.  I am back paying what I was before they raised their rates.  Now, if you do ask; keep in mind what you ask them to do.  Don’t make it hard and non-confrontational.  They are in business as well and you need them to be there for you.  Listen to what they have to say and give it serious consideration.  They are giving you the courtesy of listening, do the same for them.  It is give and take, and we are all in this together.  Thank you Pretty Yellow Dog, I’m going to stick around.

Ask the question.

I have a wide network of intelligent resources that I tend to reach out to when I am trying to figure things out.  Recently, I was struck by the cost of one of my business expenses.  It had a pretty significant jump and I didn’t feel that it was warranted.  Reaching out to one of my contacts I was advised to find a new service as what I was getting wasn’t worth what I was paying.

It was my webpage host and I have had them for several years.  Now while I understand that costs have risen for everyone, I hardly talk to them and do most of my adjustments myself.  I’m fairly low maintenance, so the rise in costs had me asking questions. I worked very hard at trying to replace them, did research and decided to see what I could do but; my blog…. I have 4 years of blog posts on my page.  There is also the search engine history with this page, I don’t want to loose those of you who follow me.  I didn’t want to start over.

In the process of designing a new page, I had to reach out to my current web host and what I was doing came to light.  They understood my efforts to keep my costs low.  The appreciated that I understood their need to raise prices and that I wasn’t upset, just problem solving.  So I asked, do I really deserve the price increase?  Christian, the man I spoke with; was willing to listen.  He agreed that there were services that they provided, I was not using.  One of them is social media and I do all of that myself.  I hardly have them do any work on my site, I do a majority of it myself.  Christian told me he would look into it and talk with his boss.

They rescinded the price increase.  I am back paying what I was before they raised their rates.  Now, if you do ask; keep in mind what you ask them to do.  Don’t make it hard and non-confrontational.  They are in business as well and you need them to be there for you.  Listen to what they have to say and give it serious consideration.  They are giving you the courtesy of listening, do the same for them.  It is give and take, and we are all in this together.  Thank you Pretty Yellow Dog, I’m going to stick around.