...serenity in motion

What ever it is, give it everything you have.

Last week I talked about working on my business through June.  That is a commitment and I am going to put in everything I have for it so that I don't waste the opportunity.  What about those things we try to do?  I recently watched a workshop on a different way to preserve finished pastels.  I have been trying to crack this for a while but this artist was so gracious to share everything she had learned and what she herself could do.  Oh My God!  I was electrified!  Immediately I went and purchased the supplies, grabbed a surface that I had knocking around and went to work.  I had been experimenting with Dakota pastel trading cards with the materials I had but was getting frustrated because I needed to go bigger with different preservatives.  When I watched the workshop video, I decided to get a canvas prepped the way she recommended and do a composition that I had been saving.  If I just played with things, I wouldn't see or know what it would do with a finished work.  I put everything I had into this image and came up with a lovely painting that people can put their hands on, literally. Everytime I look at this piece, I am enthralled by the things I could possibly accomplish but mostly because I put my best effort into this first piece.  

The same goes for any project you take on.  I know, it sounds exhausting and sometimes it feels that way.  I tend to limit my projects so that I am not stretched too thin.  Currently, I am serving a non-profit and that is something that is an all or nothing prospect.  I didn't volunteer for this until I had done some soul searching because I know it is going to need my full attention.  Now, again; I am not sure of what I am doing.  I am learning and running at the same time but, I am giving it everything I can.  Succeed at this or fail, I know that I gave it everything I could.  Sooner or later, you have to walk away from the project because it is completed or gets a new director, putting forth your best lets you walk away with your head held high.

Every new thing you try, teaches you something and what you put into it can reward you tenfold in education as well as other benefits.  People see how hard you work, you make new friends and professional contacts, and come out the otherside changed in someway.  Depending on your efforts, you will the day or at least be proud of all work hard work.