...serenity in motion
I had a really great thing happen to me yesterday, I won an award. It isn't like I've never won anything ever. This was a show of my nationally recognized peer group and I was so impressed with the field I stood in. Just being there was incredibly special. With social media being a thing, I was able to log on and listen to the award winners as they were announced. Several of my friends were recognized, the best of show was one of them. Amazing talent each winner and I was so shocked when my name was announced. Last year I took best of show for one of my newest pieces at another event in Puyallup WA. I was honored then, that was a fantastic show as well. This one, however; is on a national/international level that blows me away.
I have been a bit despondent of late. The current administration has me flustered and insecure both personally and professionally. I keep eyeing my nail tech license as a serious fall back option right now. People who are worried about their portfolios are going to be hoarding their Sheckles and I can't blame them. Don't get me wrong, You don't have money if you don't spend it wisely and not it is not really wise to spend when you are in uncertain times. Anyway, back to the award; I was in my car and I SCREAMED! What a high that was. I had been teaching a pastel class and talking about how amazing the show was. Then to be able to let everyone know afterward that I had won something... wow. On the way home however; I felt something in my eye.
I have been dealing with serious allergies lately and was visiting the local Doc-n-the-box only a few days prior. "Nothing serious, just allergies. Take this steroid..." The itch continued and I woke up last night with my eye glued closed. Viral pink eye! I look so gorgeous. copious amounts of hand sanitizer and soapy water, I am fit for the public. If I can convince anyone of it.... All of this reminds me of perspective. I could forget my award and focus on the lovely eye, or I could just go on enjoying the celebration of acknowledgement.
I guess God is tapping me on the head and saying, "Keep the faith sister." Rain brings flowers, adversity breeds endurance, art brings joy.