...serenity in motion

Small Magics

Many years ago, a friend of mine was inspired to draw me as a fairy.  I was a knot fairy she told me.  Simply put, I was a stirrer of shit.  Some things have changed and many friends would tell other things have not, apparently I can still stir a pot to a vigorous froth.  If I were able to choose my magic however, I would choose to be a fairy of small convenient magic.

Windows wouldn’t get stuck shut around me, even if they were painted that way.  Cars would have just enough gas to get to the gas station, every time.  Leaky tires would hold air and things would only break when you were through with the task at hand.  Lost things would be easily found, saggy gates would hang even and swing freely, and leaky faucets wouldn’t drip anymore. Little things that make life a bit more difficult would evaporate like dew in the sun, just because I looked at them.

Small magics can create as much havoc as big ones.  Think of the threads unraveling on a flag waving in your face. Electronic doors not opening when an oppressive jerk tries to walk through it, or a paper coffee cup fails in their hands.  I wouldn’t want to do major damage or really injure someone, just cause them the frustration that they bring to others. Perhaps their cell phone battery would die or just drop the call that they were sharing with their unhappy surroundings.

Think about the small things that have happened around you and how they affected your day. A stranger pays for your coffee before you get to the drive up window.  Someone holding the door or helping you pick up the things you dropped.  Neighbors you have never spoken to, helping you catch your loose dog/cat or even toddler.  Someone giving up their seat in public transit.  Maybe you can do small acts of magic yourself? 

Lets keep watch this week for opportunities to make someone’s life a bit easier.  Look up from your phone; that call was just dropped anyway, and make eye contact with a stranger, maybe give them a wink or a smile.  Hold the door open and give them a “have a nice day.”  Let’s turn a stirred pot into something helpful like; oh I don’t know, maybe whipped cream?  Give the world a dollop of sweet fluff on a crappy day.  Don’t worry about the jerks, karma tends to even things out in the end (at least that is what Disney taught me.)  Oh, Have a nice day!