...serenity in motion

Ruminations on a new year and hopes for the future

The last year has been filled with ups and downs, scary things and thrilling changes.  While we gather together these next few weeks and look forward to a new year, hold each other close and try to keep perspective on the important things in life.  To me, it is my friends and family.  I am grateful to have them even if they aren't geographically close.  You are all important to me.  My artist mentors and supporters, my enduring friendships that continue on from my childhood, my family.  Despite my upbringing, I seem to have so many people who I consider a part of that world, "family".  If I could name you all, my Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Kids, Grandchild and friends.... I would.  You make my life so rich and everyone of you makes my life brighter.

As time marches on, I hope you all know how important you are to me and how much better my life is for each one of you.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, please; Have a wonderful New Year.