...serenity in motion

Out in the country where GPS Screws up

People live in hidden places that most others can't find because they are tired of living where everyone else does.  They call it "God's Country" or heaven, I call it lost.  Don't think that lost is bad, it isn't.  It is just quiet and unspoiled, a place for artists to get in touch with their creative drive.  Last weekend, I went to Omak WA for an artshow and was steered wrong three different times by my GPS.  Well maybe the last time was more my fault.  The first time, I put Okanogan into the GPS and just went where it told me.  Now, it is my fault I was distracted by the beauty by the drive.  I had to put my phone on camera so while it was hanging in front of me, mounted on the dash; I would push the prompt button for snapping pictures.  I kept pushing the photo button and realized I was heading to Canada instead of Okanogan WA.  Oops.

The next time, I was following GPS to a friend's house.  Again, I was going the wrong way but; It was sooo pretty!!  Yep, a half hour in the complete wrong direction.  The third time, I was getting the correct directions but; I missed the turn because I was looking at the beauty around me and missed the turn.  The road was a loop, it was going to take me all the way around.  Very helpful.  Fortunately, that time I caught myself a half mile away.  Getting lost sometimes can be a great thing as long as you can find your way back home.  Just remember the highway has two views the way it looks when you travel one way and the way it looks when you come back.  Try to enjoy the journey because you may never find your way back there again. 

I'm going back to Omak again, the paintings are just begging to be done.  The people were wonderful and it was amazing to see so many friends again.  The need to create is the driving force for me.  The land is so beautiful and it was amazing with it's soft variations.  So I guess getting lost wasn't really bad and I owe GPS for helping me find these places.  Getting lost or misdirected by GPS was a huge blessing so when it happens to you, recognize the frustration but also embrace the beauty. I am blessed that I get to return, sometimes you don't.