...serenity in motion

New Homes and new opportunities

Recently, I had to move out of my lovely studio and join an artist collective.  For those of you who watched Star Trek, The Next Generation; you can understand the feelings of reservations I might have.  The people involved are mostly art students and very excited about creating art that stretches boundaries.  A lot of creative energies and ideas that are out of the box. Here I am, in the middle of it all; just trying to create landscapes for John Q Public. Fortunately, getting artists to think the same is like herding cats.  Absolutely no chance of building a hive mind. Lol   They are very accepting of me, and I feel welcome. Thus I recently became a member of The Richmond Art Collective, or The RAC.  The location is prime, right around the corner from an amazing revitalization project called The Wonder Building, and also The Flour Mill. We are right at the end of the trails from River Front Park and Spokane is building a new hotel just up the block.  How can it be better?  The Exceutive Director is an amazingly focused woman with boundless energy and I can feel her vibrating with vision for The RAC's future.

I have also closed the chapter on my residency with The Spokane Art School.  This Monday will be my last day as the resident blogger and they will hopefully publish my last post.  I hope you will follow Hannah Pomante on her journey as a print and fiber mixed media artist.  She is crazy excited about her new studio and we had an amazing conversation the other day.  That being said, I have moved my blogs to my web page.  Taking over the promotion of my page is like reaching for a toddler and hoping they want to travel with you.  When I told my web designer that I wanted to add a blog here his replay was, "I hope your ready to feed the beast."  I have enough practice writing them now so as long as you continue to follow me, I should be fine.  For those of you who encouraged me to keep writing, here we are.

My next adventure?  Scottsdale AZ and Greatfalls MT 2 and a half days after Scottsdale closes.  I will be putting my husband on a plane to fly back to Sunday from AZ and my Uncle is going to help me drive from the bottom of the country to the top.  A very good friend of mine pointed out the distance and I realized that I'm no longer 20 (or 40 for that matter).  Too far for me to do on my own so I am going to ask you to pray for my Uncle, he has never travelled with me.  At least I will get a chance to study some of the landscape while we drive it together.  Hopefully, there will be other new adventures.  No Cherry Creek yet but there might be different places this year.  Keep checking back.