...serenity in motion

Let it go. Focus on your goals, not the stuff that can trip you up.

Let it go; focus on the goal, not the small stuff that trip you up.

I’m a fan of Disney quotes.  “Keep moving forward”, “A dream is a wish your heart makes”,..  but it is mainly the lessons it teaches.  Lesson like: Heroism is worthwhile, Say what’s important when you have the chance.  Apologize when your wrong, it’s a sign of Strength, Don’t be afraid to change your mind, Take chances, it makes life worth living.  My favorite quote right now is, “Let it go”.

Crappy things happen, we lose important things; accidents derail our plans, we don’t get chosen for awards, but in the end; We make a choice about whether or not it will affect our lives and goals.  When those things happen, we have an emotional response and depending on where we are standing at that moment; everything can come to a stop.  How do you choose not to let it work against you anymore than it already has?  Making a conscious choice.

I’m not saying you will be able to just walk it off, it isn’t easy to “let it go” but it might save you more energy and frustration down the road.  Being frustrated takes energy and time, valuable energy.  How do you think athletes compete?  Letting go of the frustrations and focusing on their goals.  This isn’t easy, it takes practice and like every other mental exercise like this; you have to really work at it.

Look at what is tripping you up.  Envision it in your hand and hold it up.  Look at your goals, pick the nearest one that you can probably accomplish.  Hold it in your other mental hand.  Pick up the biggest goal, look at it too; is it worth letting go of either for this road block?  Weigh the two items, goal and frustration; which has more value long term?  Sometimes, if I am having a hard time letting go; I write it on a piece of paper.  I take that paper, crumple it up and throw it away.  I want to keep moving forward so I consider my dreams and I work hard to let the small stuff go.

I’ve got to go now, I stuff to do.

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