...serenity in motion

I did the best I could

I did the best I could

Did I actually?  What could I have done better?  Sometimes after a show or event, I tend to squirrel cage all night long; second guessing if it was my shortcomings that kept it from being the success I wanted.  It’s alright to analyze things but at some point you need to recognize the difference between analysis and obsession. There is always something you could have done better, that is the truth.  However, loosing sleep over something that’s done will solve nothing. 

I have a folder for each even that I do.  On the outside; I write the pertinent information like, cost, contact information and sales.  The inside holds the paperwork for the event.  It also holds the marketing materials that were generated.  It is also a great place to put notes on what I should consider doing differently next time. That way, I can take the notes and get some shuteye.

This is a business and it is important to learn from each event.  If the only thing you take away from an experience is knowledge, you aren’t squandering the $1,500 in travel fees you spent.  Plus, it helps me get up from the hits that I take.  I remember one year I drove down to Phoenix AZ.  It was raining, which was actually really cool but, it was the beginning of COVID lockdown.  My show was cancelled, and I took the opportunity to become a tourist.  What I learned from that event was to be flexible and seize the day!

So when the chips are down and you are spinning like a top in bed, tossing and turning; write down your thoughts and get some sleep.  This is a marathon, not a sprint; and your are going to need all the shut eye you can get.