...serenity in motion

Here we are again, setting up for another show

Here we are again, setting up for a show. The mad scramble to pull in, dump your display in a mangled pile, drive out for a parking spot, race back and creating order from the pile of chaos. We look around at each other as we are setting up, lend a hand here and there and work towards creating a professional retail space in a matter of 2 hours. 


It always blows my mind as I see what they unload and how it changes into a professional store in a 10x10 format. Some are so good, they rent a 10x20 and do a double space. Homemade panels to high end commercial walls that break down and fit into one vehicle (spouses not included, sometimes). 


We share ideas, past experiences and information about shows: new and established. Some of us have help; husbands or wives, children, friends and employees but we all end up put together by the time the gates open for shoppers. 


We are here for each other but respectful enough not to offer unsolicited advice. We don’t know what each has tried and discarded as inconvenient. As much as we have families, this is mostly a one man show and we are alright with that. 


In a little more than 8 hours, we will scramble again. This time to tear down instead of assemble. 3 hours after closing, nothing will be left; save the imprinted grass from our displays and where you walked as you shopped. 


It isn’t magic, it’s just hard work. Practice and investment in equipment make it all go smoothly. Promoters lay it out for us and invite all of you in. We do this for us because we need to create art and don’t want to work at anything else. We bring it to you in the hopes that you can help us avoid the 9-5 commitment. We would rather work 80 hours a week and be an artist.