...serenity in motion

Gifted? or Committed

When I was growing up, people used to use the word “gifted”.  You could be gifted with your way in using numbers, art, words, speaking, acting…… It goes on and on.  Gifted, isn’t worth as much as our parents thought if we never did anything with it.  As a child I thought that meant I didn’t have to try as hard as others to do something.  Boy was I wrong.

I believe now that you might be better off if you want to do something very badly and work to overcome your shortcomings.  Sure, I could draw a little.  I could hold a tune when I sang even, but without the constant practice, all it was is talent.  Talent can only take you so far. There will always be others who are better because they worked harder for it.

Instead of “gifted”, I want to use the word committed instead.  I am committed to doing my art.  I work hard on it and try to finish a piece each week.  Being committed gives everyone a chance to be able to do what ever it is they want to do.

Now, I know that I will never be able to sing like Christina Aguilera; no matter how hard I practice. I might want to, but nothing is going to change my vocal chords.  I can’t paint like Monet or Van Gogh but I can study their work and learn from them.  I can also keep singing and work not to hit sour notes.

When I say committed, I do not mean obsessed.  We need to have healthy study habits so that our lives are rounded and complete.  Relationships with my family and friends are important to me and I am also committed to them as well.

So in considering what you are committed to; remember that there will always be people who can do it better but that doesn’t mean you should quit.  You may never be as good as they are for several reasons.  You can however, always improve on how you are doing what you are committed to.